Marvel Comics

Marvel Comics That Should Be Movies

Marvel Comics has more than a few books they're sleeping on.

With all of the comic book/superhero movies coming out this year (mostly from Marvel), we decided that we would make a list of the Marvel Comics characters that we think should be made into live-action films. Here are the Marvel comic books that we think would make awesome movies:


Honestly, we have no idea what the hell is taking Marvel so long with this one. We’ve been waiting for a She-Hulk movie since ’89. That’s around the time John Byrne took over the book, and it got REALLY cool.

When we first thought about a She-Hulk movie in 1990-something, we thought of bodybuilder and fitness model Corey Everson. But we don’t even know if there’s anyone in Hollywood right now that could physically play the part.

So if they do decide to do the movie, She-Hulk would probably be CGI, which would look a lot less cheesy than painting a bodybuilder green. But that’s totally cool, because it worked for the Silver Surfer. As long as they make her ridiculously hot.

Namor: The Sub-Mariner

You know, Namor was totally underrated. He was this badass aquatic prince, saving his people from us ‘surface-dwellers’, not giving a damn how he did it, and yelling things like ‘Imperious Rex!’

Then he got screwed by Aquaman. DC’s answer to Namor totally made amphibious-fish-whisperers completely lame, until John Byrne (again) came to the rescue.

So with there being no movies like this being made, there is definitely a place for it. As far as who we think could play Namor, we got nothing. Namor’s overall demeanour would likely come off as overacting in the hands of an actor that couldn’t properly pull it off.

The New Mutants

These guys were really the X-Men for the Pepsi generation. The New Mutants featured a lot of really cool characters (Cannonball and Sunspot were two of our favourites), which we think a lot of younger viewers would love too. But instead of doing this movie, Marvel decides to make yet ANOTHER X-Men movie.

Not that we’re complaining, but we would love to see The New Mutants made, too… In ZACHSNYDERVISION! We think that his special-effect laden style of directing would make this really good.

We would probably cast unknown, or up-and-coming actors to play this brooding lot, notably Scottish Doctor Who actress Karen Gillan to play wolf-girl Rahne Sinclair, aka Wolfsbane.


Okay, there are already three Spider-man movies, a reboot on the way, and they STILL haven’t thought to make Spider-Woman a movie? Seriously, what the actual hell, Marvel?

Spider-Woman’s recent reboot has definitely overshadowed anything that people would ever remember from her earlier years (not us, we remember everything). So we think that Spider-Woman should absolutely get a chance to be on the silver screen. But don’t f**k it up like Electra.

As far as who we would cast as Spider-Woman, we’re leaning heavily towards newcomer Jenna-Louise Coleman, because she’s hot, can act, and hasn’t been in a lot of anything yet. But mostly absolutely definitely because of the hot part.

Doctor Strange

This was another one of those characters that had a not-so-good job of being produced in the ’70s. But the ’70s had a LOT of drugs, which we’re sure were copiously used in the pitch meeting for that movie.

With this said, Doctor Strange deserves another shot at having decent writers do something with it. And with all the advancements in special effects, we’re sure that Hollywood could actually do some justice to the Sorcerer Supreme.

Now, as far as who we’d cast as Doctor Strange, there are actually a lot of people that could probably play Doctor Strange well. But after a lot of deliberation, we think that Johnny Depp or Liam Neeson would be an awesome fit for His Magicness.

So there you have it, people. These should be considered by the Hollywood powers-that-be to get started working on. But we guess it takes more than just Hollywood to get a movie done. You listenin’, DC Comics?

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