
7 Awesome Cures for the Common Hangover

Want to stop your hangover? We’ve got your back.

Your head is pounding, dim lights are way too bright, you feel like you’re gonna throw up every two minutes, and you’re now regretting the previous night’s life choices. Yeah, you’ve got yourself a hangover, mate. It sucks, but it happens.

However, what you do next is important, and can be the difference between spending two hours or two days feeling like you need to take a pregnancy test. You want to stop your hangover? We’ve got your back with a few cures for the common hangover. So let’s get started.

1. Water

You guessed it … water. Chug a glass before going to bed. As far as cures for the common hangover go, this is an oldie but a goodie.

2. Skip the Ibuprofen

Skip the ibuprofen before bed! It can cause more damage when you’ve already beat the hell out of your liver – not good. But if you just HAVE to take something, aspirin will be way easier on your body than ibuprofen.

3. Coconut Water

You can’t go wrong with drinking either Gatorade or coconut water in the morning as you recharge and recover.

4. Apple Cider Vinegar

Underrated as far as cures for the common hangover go, this stuff works wonders – WONders. In the morning, just take a few tablespoons, either straight or diluted in water and drink it down. You probably won’t like it much, but believe us it’ll help.

5. Breakfast

Protein, healthy fats and complex carbohydrates will absorb and eliminate toxins. Here’s what you do: scramble a large egg with lots of veggies. Eggs support detoxification, and the veggies add some antioxidant power. Seriously, why would you even think about skipping this? It’s called the most important meal of the day for a reason.

6. Ginger Tea

If you have an upset stomach, brew yourself some ginger tea. Ginger is powerful against nausea.

7. Lime Juice

First thing in the morning, squeeze the juice of one lime or lemon into some warm water. Stir in some honey and sip. Adding apple cider vinegar will help too, but it tastes weird as hell. If you can power through, go for it.


So there you go, 7 cures for the common hangover. We hope this helps you, and remember — there’s no cure for being a drunken idiot. So try not to be one.

Is there a hangover cure that we didn’t mention, but works for you? Let us know on Twitter.

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