Charlie Riina wearing a je Suis Charlie T-shirt

Charlie Riina Makes Protesting Sexy

Political messages on sexy bodies are awesome

You all remember Charlie Riina, right? You know, the uber-sexy Polish/Canadian model we featured, in a photo shoot with 138 Water. If you don’t remember, shame on you. You should go back and take a look at those articles.

But moving on, Charlie has recently made headlines with people making a HUGE fuss over her doing a wet T-shirt thing whilst wearing a tee that reads ‘Je Suis Charlie.’ The slogan was adopted by free speech supporters, after the attack on the Charlie Hebdo offices in Paris back in January.

Now, while this might seem like it was done in bad taste, the slogan LITERALLY translates into: ‘I am Charlie’. Her NAME is Charlie, so this is totally accurate.

On top of this, Charlie is an activist, so her doing this was the very definition of supporting free speech and Western Culture, spitting in the face of body-shaming terrorists everywhere. So to the sayers of nay to what seems to be Charlie’s protest and support of the issue, including the idiots at the Daily Star and GQ Italia, we say… SHUT. THE. ABSOLUTE. FUCK. UP.

Yes, Charlie could have used a different shirt for the shoot, but at the end of the day, political messages on sexy bodies are probably the best way to make a point on the matter. If you put words on a wet T-shirt, and almost any bloke will read those words 1000 per cent of the time.

As always, we’re planning more posts with this hottie soon, because if these pics are any indication, they’re only going to get better. In the meantime, you can keep up with Charlie Riina on Twitter at @CharlieRiina, and on Instagram @charlieriina.

What do you think of Charlie Riina wearing the ‘Je Suis Charlie’ shirt? Let us know in the comments below, on Facebook, or on Twitter.

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