The Amazing Spider-Man is Coming Soon

The new Spider-Man reboot looks promising. Are you ready to be amazed?
20 February 2012

We want to start by letting you know that our editor is a HUGE fan of Spider-Man. So much in fact that he has a poster of the Alex Ross version of the first comic featuring the web-slinger, Amazing Fantasy #15, hanging in his office. So you can only imagine how excited he gets every time a new Spider-Man movie comes out.

It’s been over ten years since the first Spider-Man movie hit cinemas, and five years since the last movie, starring Tobey McGuire as Peter Parker/Spidey and directed by Sam Raimi. We’re not going to lie to you. Some of us here were not really fans of the last movie. It’s like they were trying too hard. They put way too many characters in the movie to give a solid story, making your head spin trying to keep up. Even the editor didn’t like it, which actually says a lot. He liked the 1970s TV version of Spider-Man, which STILL gives us headaches just thinking about it.

When we first heard last year that they were going to reboot the Spider-Man franchise, we weren’t very enthused. Even less so when we saw the new costume, because EVERYONE seems to be doing the whole ‘fishnet’ look with their costume designs. However, when we saw the teaser trailer last year, we were floored. The first-person look was awesome, ending with just a glimpse of the new Spidey, TOTALLY making us want to see where [Director] Marc Webb was going with this one. We didn’t even care about the costume thing.

Webb seems to be going for a darker look with his reboot, titled ‘The Amazing Spider-Man’ this time, which when compared to the others, definitely brings a different element to the film. The film stars Andrew Garfield as Peter Parker/Spider-Man. You may remember Garfield from the movie ‘The Imaginairum of Dr Parnassus’, and most recently in ‘The Social Network’. From what we can tell, he’s bringing the emo thunder with his version of Parker. The smoking-hot Emma Stone (Easy A) plays Gwen Stacy, Peter’s high school crush. The two actors seem to have a lot of chemistry on-screen, which is great. Good job, casting department.

Adding to the awesome cast are Martin Sheen and Sally Field as Peter’s Uncle Ben and Aunt May, Dennis Leary (Rescue Me), as Gwen Stacy’s father, and Rhys Ifans as Dr Curt Conners.

So far, The Amazing Spider-Man truly looks – Amazing. We think that our editor is going to be proud. The movie will open in cinemas everywhere in 3D on 3 July 2012.

Photos are courtesy of Sony Pictures.

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