DC Comic Books

DC Comic Books That Should Be Movies

What DC Comic books should have live-action versions? Here are our picks.

In one of our previous posts, We listed the Marvel Comics that we think would make awesome live-action films. Now it’s DC Comics’ turn. Unlike Marvel, DC seems to have a problem making movies with ANY of their characters that doesn’t take a billion years and plenty of headaches to get released, even when they have terrific ideas dropped into their laps (remember Grayson?).

With all of our complaining aside, here’s our list of DC Comic books that should be movies:

Wonder Woman

Wonder Woman

We know that NBC has the David E. Kelly reboot of the Golden Goddess premiering this year, but that doesn’t count. We would still like to see a big-screen version of Wonder Woman. Done correctly. In her normal outfit. Preferably by someone that would make the aforementioned outfit look awesome.

Like Alice Eve from “She’s Out of My League,’ because she is TOO damned hot. Being all armoured, full of badassery and stuff…

Ahem, We were having a moment. Leave us alone. Moving on…

Sorry, Lynda [Carter]. You’ll always be the hottest Wonder Woman ever. But you can [read: SHOULD] definitely be Hypolyta.

The Flash

The Flash

This is ANOTHER movie that we don’t know why it still has yet to be made. We loved the TV show back in 1990, but it, like Max Headroom before it, was clearly way before its time. But with all of the advances in special effects technology since 1990, we’re more than sure they could do an awesome job with this one.

We’re not sure who we’d get to play the Scarlet Speedster, but we think Kyle Gallner, the kid who played Bart Allen on Smallville back in 2004, would be a fantastic fit for either Barry Allen or Wally West. He’s definitely old enough to play the characters now, and it’d be an awesome throwback to his appearance on Smallville.

Plastic Man

Plastic Man

Hey, The Fantastic Four movie has shown that we can now make really nice stretchy dudes. So DC Comics shouldn’t let Marvel beat them by not making a movie for Plastic Man. His books are pretty funny, and we would love to know how the filmmakers would do his ‘cartoony’ worldview.

As far as actors go, we did a bit of thinking on it, and we all think that Johnny Knoxville would be an excellent choice, Jackass antics aside. Sorry, Jim Carrey, you would have been fantastic (you were definitely one of our top choices), but you’re gettin’ kinda old for stuff like this.

Kingdom Come

Kingdom Come

This mini-series was freaking EPIC. We think damn near every character from the DC Universe was in the series. And with Alex Ross doing the artwork in his signature realistic painting style you got a glimpse of what the character would look like if they were real people. DC will probably never make this one into a movie, because there are entirely too many characters. But if they do, it should be split up like the Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter series.

Justice League

Justice League

We love the Justice League. The series takes some of the major players in the DC Universe (Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern and The Flash), throws in a couple more (Martian Manhunter and Hawkman) and calls it a day. Well not really, because there were a LOT of people in the Justice League.

Anyway, if they do make a Justice League movie, they should just stick to the major players, and re-cast Green Lantern. Because as much as we love Ryan Reynolds over here, he gonna have to be a no as far as choices go. And totally forget about Aquaman, until they stop making him a joke of a character. Just let Marvel have Namor, assuming Marvel EVER makes that movie.

Well, that’s it! We’d love to see any of these DC Comic books get a silver screen release. But DC is gonna have to get over themselves and make something besides comic books. Because so far Marvel is kicking their collective asses as far as movies go.

You listenin’, DC?

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