The cast of the animated show Futurama is transformed into live-action science fiction movie characters from the 1980s, courtesy of the lads at Australian podcast, Four Finger Discount. The artwork features live-action versions of characters such as Fry, Bender, Leela, Zoidberg, and Professor Farnsworth, among others.
Futurama premiered in 1999 and was created by Matt Groening, who also created The Simpsons. The show revolves around Philip J. Fry [commonly known by his surname], a pizza delivery boy and all-around-slacker, who is frozen in 1999, and then thawed out a thousand years later.
The show ended its run in 2013, but is set to be brought back for a twenty-episode season on Hulu, with the majority of the original cast returning.
Although we’ll definitely admit that while some of the AI-generated art is interesting, we like Futurama the way it is — solely as an animated show. One more thing… Why is Fry so freaking handsome? There’s NO way Leela wouldn’t have yeeted her clothes to the wind and jump THIS guy.
If you want to check out all the pics, then go to Four Finger Discount’s Twitter at @fourfingerpod. What do you think about the Futurama AI art? Let us know in the comments, on Facebook, or on Twitter.