In 2018, Paramount’s Transformers franchise received a soft reboot with Bumblebee. Transformers: Rise of the Beasts, the next instalment in the series, is set in the same new timeline established by Bumblebee and introduces some new characters. The film introduces three new robots: the Maximals, Predacons, and Terrorcons. Paramount recently dropped a new trailer for the upcoming film, which you can check out below:
The film, now set in the 1990s, stars Anthony Ramos and Dominque Fishback as two humans who join forces with the Autobots to learn more about the new Transformers who have appeared on Earth; the Maximals can shapeshift into organic animals, whereas the Terrorcons, like most other Transformers in this franchise, morph into vehicles. And they’ll need all the help they can get to take on one of the series’ most powerful villains, the planet-killer Unicron.
Transformers films are typically entertaining, in our opinion, and based on the trailer, Rise of the Beasts doesn’t look like it’ll be an exception. With Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse and The Flash already on our radar, the month of June is gonna be a fairly crowded one, film-wise. In addition, Ron Perlman as Optimus Primal may be worth the price of admission all by itself.
Transformers: Rise of the Beasts hits cinemas on 9 June 2023.