Watch Dogs: Legion Review

A right old knees-up with a legion of extraordinary Londoners
29 October 2020
Watch Dogs: Legion

Ubisoft’s Watch Dogs series has always been a bit of a wildcard in the open-world game scene. From the clever hacking stuff in the first one to the fun zipping about in the second, they’ve always done their own thing. This latest one, Watch Dogs: Legion, is no different. It’s like they’ve thrown the rulebook out the window and gone completely bonkers. And you know what? It’s bloody brilliant.

A Dystopian Deluge

London’s gone to pot in the future. There’s been a massive terrorist attack, and now the city’s under the thumb of this nasty private army called Albion. It’s a proper dystopian nightmare. But fear not, because you’re here to save the day by building your own resistance.

The city’s been split into different bits, each with its own vibe. Seeing places like the Tower of London and Piccadilly Circus all messed up is a bit of a shock to the system, but it’s also really cool how they’ve imagined the future.

Recruit Anyone, Anywhere

The big deal with Legion is that you can basically play as anyone. That’s right, anyone. From a grumpy old gran to a dodgy lawyer, you can recruit just about every Tom, Dick, and Harry you see. It’s like building your own little army of misfits, and it’s proper fun. It’s a proper feel-good story.

So, yeah, Watch Dogs: Legion is a bit of a rollercoaster. It’s got its ups and downs, but it’s definitely worth a look if you like open-world games with a bit of a twist.

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