In Netflix’s animated adaptation of Terminator, called ‘Terminator Zero’ humans and machines battle it out in warfare, which is all too familiar for the franchise. In the show, an AI known as Skynet gained awareness in 1997 and has been trying to wipe out mankind ever since. The show is set in two different timelines: war-torn 2022 and 1997.
In order to stop the current course of events, a soldier named Eiko (Sonoya Mizuno) must go back in time and defend scientist Malcolm Lee (André Holland), who is developing an artificial intelligence to battle Skynet. As an assassin from the future pursues him, Lee tries to reconcile the moral difficulties of his own profession.
‘You can’t see it yet, but you’ve been on a collision course your entire life,’ Eiko says in a voiceover. ‘There’s no going back, not really. It will never, ever stop.’
There are also brief scenes in the trailer showing Timothy Olyphant’s character, the Terminator, searching for Lee. In addition, Ann Dowd plays the Prophet, a philosophical leader in the anti-AI movement, and Rosario Dawson plays Kokoro, an AI bot in the series.
Check out the trailer above for Netflix’s Terminator Zero. The show will be released as an 8-episode series on 29 August 2024.