Before we get into our Thor movie review, we went to see the new movie yesterday, and if you guys are ever in Chicago, you should visit the Regal Theatre on Western Ave. The particular section that we were in was huge! Although we have NO idea of why everything in the theatre cost so damned much. There’s a problem when you have to take out a second mortgage just to buy some freaking popcorn. But anyway…
![Thor movie review](
![Thor movie review](
Thor (Chris Hemsworth) is banished to Earth from their realm of Asgard by his father Odin (Anthony Hopkins) until he learns some humility, mainly because Thor is kind of an arrogant idiot and totally had it coming. He crash lands in the New Mexico desert, and is found by Jane Foster (Natalie Portman). His hammer (played by studio prop Mjolnir) is also on Earth, but it can only be lifted by someone who is worthy of it.
Meanwhile, Thor’s brother Loki (Tom Hiddleston) is now in line to be king, but he learns some upsetting things about his past and argues with his father, causing Odin to fall into the ‘Odinsleep’ (something akin to Energizer making sleepy juice) and puts him in charge. Loki does some things that put Asgard in mortal danger, and the only thing that can save Asgard (and probably Earth, too) is Thor.
Waitaminnit… Can Gods really be in mortal danger? We know, dumb joke. Shut up.
![Thor movie review](
![Thor movie review](
We liked the movie. It wasn’t too big a disappointment. However, the film seemed kind of rushed, like [director] Kenneth Branaugh didn’t want to piss people off too much. Well, he did that the second he let a Black and an Asian guy be cast as NORSE Gods. See? Norse? Norway? Get it? we’re getting a little tired of Hollywood doing stupid things with casting, just to be politically correct. It’s just dumb. The actors all did a really good job with their characters, even though some of the casting was off (okay we’ll stop now). The Destroyer (the big silver robot thing) was spot-on, and we couldn’t have imagined it better.
![Thor movie review](
![Thor movie review](
And to continue with the movie feeling rushed, the time span of the movie was about two days. How in the world did he have a change of heart and become the opposite of who he was in two days? in addition, more could have been done to establish more of a relationship with Thor, his brother Loki, and [their father] Odin. You can’t just assume that everyone knows the comic book. That seems to be a mistake that a lot of writers make. Like putting Hawkeye in the movie for no apparent reason. It’s not like he was ever in any of the other Marvel movies to make a reference. The guy had four lines, and then disappeared! WTF?! Really?
To the writers we say, stop it. You’re just gonna piss people off. Hopefully, Captain America will do better.
All in all, the movie could have been better, but like we said, it wasn’t too big a disappointment. You should check it out, if you haven’t already. And yes, just so you know, WE DO know the comic.
UPDATE: Ninja X just said that Hogun (the Asian guy) looked like that in the book. And is also not a God. So Heimdall should NOT have been a Black guy. And Hawkeye was a S.H.I.E.L.D agent before joining The Avengers.