Gears of War 3 Review

Is the final Gears of War game a worthy end to the trilogy?
2 October 2011

At last, the wait is over. Gears of War 3 is finally here. I would have written this review sooner, but I have been so busy playing I haven’t had time to do much else.

First let me say, I LOVE THIS GAME! That being said, let me give you some of my reasons why. The play mechanics of the game are the same as the other two games of the series. This is not a bad thing. If something works you don’t change it. That’s number one. Two a deep, fulfilling story that concludes the trilogy. You really care about the characters. It’s almost like playing a movie. Third, BEST. MULTIPLAYER. EVER! I don’t care much for multiplayer. I’m just not into it. Primarily because I suck at it. But I’ve had so much fun playing this one, I can’t seem to recall my other reasons for not liking multiplayer.

This game comes with 6 modes of play. Team Deathmatch, Warzone, Execution, Capture The Leader, King Of The Hill, and Wingman. These all rock but I lean more toward Deathmatch. My son and I along with his friends team up and play together for hours on end. You can even play any of these modes alone using A.I.-controlled bots in private matches if you’re the loner type. Also, Epic has improved these modes in that they corrected the problem of nearly invulnerable hosts. In Deathmatch in Gears 2, Whoever was hosting the party was extremely hard to kill. This resulted in the host being able to sometimes win the match single-handed. Not anymore. If he beats you this time, it’s because he’s just better than you.

Horde mode 2.0 is light years better than Horde from Gears 2. You can now build barriers, set up decoys and deploy turrets to help you defend yourself from the Locust warriors trying to end your life. You earn money from making kills and surviving rounds that you can use to improve your barriers, buy ammo and other things.

New to Gears 3 is Beast mode where you can play as the Locust trying to survive 12 rounds defending yourself against hordes of COG troops and Stranded refugees. Beast mode is difficult even playing casual difficulty. Do not play this mode alone. YOU WILL DIE. A lot.

I love this game and will be playing it for a long time to come. Come and join me. Send me a friend request to Ninja X335 on X-Box Live. We just play for fun though, so if you’re one of those people all about the strategy and can’t laugh at yourself and your own mistakes don’t bother. Happy Gaming!

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