Borderlands: The Handsome Collection

It's everything we've been dreaming of.
20 January 2015

Oh, dreams do come true. Borderlands is coming to next-gen at a stunning 60fps and gorgeous 1080p. This is what we have been praying and dreaming of. Borderlands the Handsome Collection houses two different Borderlands games — Borderlands 2 and Borderlands the Pre-sequel.

Both games include all DLC, so Borderlands 2 includes all of the characters’ skins, all the DLC packs including all of the headhunter missions, as well as the DLC characters. Borderlands the Pre-sequel basically comes with the season pass I would say not to pass up, especially if you are a Borderlands fan you’re getting basically almost 200 dollars worth of free stuff for 60 bucks, and both games have Vault Hunter upgrades. Now I don’t know about you, but that sounds like a damn good deal to me.

Now, for those of you that have the money for expensive things, the Handsome Collection also comes with a Collector’s Edition with a pretty steep price tag attached to it — apparently somewhere along the line, Gearbox lost their damn minds. The Collector’s Edition comes with the Handsome Collection and a remote-controlled claptrap that has an app you download to your phone to control him. you can also see what he can see because he has a built-in camera where his eye is, it seems pretty cool. Unlike most people, I like claptrap, but $400 is a little much (at least for me). But if you have the money for it, by all means, get it because I’m pretty sure they’re going to sell out real quick. But I’m only in it to be able to play my Borderlands on my next-gen console.

Oh, and for those of you freaking out, saying “Oh I’m not going to be able to do this, I don’t want to start over…” Relax. You’ll be happy to know that all of your Borderlands characters from to Borderlands 2 to the Pre-sequel will be able to transfer over to next-gen so all of their stats, all of their guns and all of their abilities will be waiting for you on your X-Box One or PS4.

So rejoice and get ready to jump back into the Borderlands and shoot more midget psychos in the face in all their next-gen glory. Borderlands the Handsome Collection is set to release on March 24th, so gear up Vault Hunters — because as we all know there ain’t no rest for the wicked.

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