Every day, people upload videos on YouTube, Vimeo and the like. Some of them are good, most are bad, and others are just plain stupid.
We got an email telling us to check out a video series on YouTube, called ‘Epic Rap Battles of History’. Produced by comedian Peter Shukoff, better known as Nice Peter, and his partner Lloyd Ahlquist aka EpicLLOYD, the videos feature rap battles with some of the strangest pairings, like ‘Abe Lincoln vs Chuck Norris’, ‘Sarah Palin vs Lady Gaga’, and others.
The lyrics are well put together, and even if you’re not into rap music, you’ll love these. Our two favourites so far are ‘Einstein vs. Steven Hawking’ and ‘Darth Vader vs Hitler’, which you can check out below:
Epic Rap Battles of History is really amazing, and you should take a few minutes to check them out. Seriously, you won’t be disappointed.