The Interview Movie Review

Kim Jong-Un would actually enjoy this movie. Maybe.
22 January 2015

James Franco and Seth Rogen caused quite a frenzy recently with their new movie, The Interview, by causing a major Sony hack and terrorist threats. They almost started an outright war. Get over yourself North Korea, it’s just a movie. We all get bullied, but we can’t blow people up because they talked shit about us. (I know, I know. I, of all people, cannot talk sense into those crazies.)

A part of me feels like Kim Jong-Un would actually enjoy the movie, except for the fact that he’s super insane. The Interview is hilarious; literally laugh-out-loud funny. What James Franco and Seth Rogen movie isn’t? The two best friends have starred in some of the most entertaining movies of all time (what can I say, I dig raunchy comedies), regardless of the fact that they continue to pretty much play the same type of characters, just in different plots and with different names.

In The Interview, Franco and Rogen are two journalists who are enlisted by the CIA to “take out” Kim Jong-Un. The plot unfolds like any movie with these two actors. Chaos. Craziness. Screams (Wait… does Seth Rogen ever NOT scream?) There’s a lot of action, blood, cursing, a shit-ton of inappropriate jokes, and so many “What?!” “What?!” “WHAT?!?!” moments. I seriously cannot fathom how they come up with their ridiculous jokes.

Weirdest part of the whole movie experience? Watching the new release at home from the comfort (and safety) of my couch. Because of the threats, a lot of major movie chains decided not to release it, causing Sony to release it on YouTube, Xbox Live, and Google Play alongside the theater release. Initially, they were expecting to make $20 million in the opening weekend but instead made 18 Million (2.8 million coming from the box office). Not bad for a movie surrounded by an intense amount of controversy. Since the release, it’s continued to make a steady amount of money, though Sony is expected to still lose $20 million. I’m sure Franco and Rogen will more than make it up to them with future movies. Let’s hope they can try not to almost start a war next time.

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